
Resco Audio Recorder v4.52 - by maskman

A tape recorder, and audio player with support for WAV, MP3, OGG Vorbis, Speex, RAF formats and M3U-playlists. The possibilities are many - from the removal of pauses when you use a recorder and an automatic recording on a schedule to edit files (to insert, merging, exporting) and synchronize (transfer) files from PC to PDA.

whats new v4.52:
Dear Resco Audio Recorder users.
We would like to release a new version of Audio Recorder where we fixed one of the requested features - showing caller's name or telephone number in recordings.
Because we were unable to add the other promised features and fixes, we are releasing this version only as an unofficial version for forum users.
All Samsung Omnia users please disable the turning off of the screen while calling as this causes the recording to stop. After disabling this you will be able to record the whole phone call.
