
New Super Bluetooth hack 2008 - by maskman

This is a new version of Super Bluetooth Hack for conventional and mobile-based simbian.

If you do not know what a Super Bluetooth Hack, this program through MDM can be controlled by other peoples mobile phone at a distance (10-15 metres, its Then)
More in new version:
Connect via BT/Irda
Reading SMS
Changing time/alarms
Pressing keys

Once connected to a another phone via bluetooth you can:
- read his messages
- read his contacts
- change profile
- play his ringtone even if phone is on silent
- play his songs(in his phone)
- restart the phone
- switch off the phone
- restore factory settings
- change ringing volume
- And here comes the best
Call from his phone it includes all call functions like hold etc.


1) Download
2) Pour on the mobile
3) Run the Installer (what you download, incidentally need JAVA)
4) He finds it, and you will be able to run software
5) Choose the language and going configured
6) Click Connection
7) Click search devices
Choose the victim
